No Safe Words 2: Wrong Safe Word. As all of our long time fans know by now, we always produce videos within the safe, sane and consensual bdsm creed. on very rare occasions, we have gone as far as producing risk-aware consensual videos... this is one of such occasions, and not even by design, but by a mix of mistake and fortune. in other words, we always use bdsm safewords / safesigns, especially with certain kind of videos, such as firebending ones. you don't always see them, because we take extra care to edit our videos in a way such that these signs or phrases do not break the fantasy illusion of our productions; but if you pay extra attention to the last minutes of many of our fire/roasting videos, you might be able to spot them. this session was not supposed to be any different from most of our other videos, but things suddenly took a turn when bella, in her very first session here, forgot / swapped the safe word with another random word. fortunately for her, it did not took too long -about a minute or so- for me to get a grasp of what was going on, and stopped the session as soon as i fully realized what had just happened. nevertheless, when you're having your feet toasted by fire, that minute should probably have felt like an eternity for her. this unfortunate event resulted in something quite interesting, and this ended up being one of the most extreme sessions we've ever shot to date. and don't worry, be rest assured that bella walked out on foot from the studio on that day, and she did not got any serious injury. all this is thanks to the fantastic firebending bdsm technique we have developed here at ftu, which produces a sensation as if your feet are being truly burned, but somehow it does not hurt the skin other than some producing some redness. --- the video starts with bella being ordered to take off her boots and being secured in the foot stocks. right from the start she is very nervous*, as when i remove her socks i notice her feet are very sweaty. when everything is setup, the fire is lit, and after a few more seconds, the fan infront of the fire is turned on and starts to push the bonfire towards bella's fresh creamy feet. it does not take too long before bella is in true agony, but she takes it bravely anyway, and from time to time i also help her by blocking up the air pushed from the fan for just few seconds. she sweats and cries from pain, fights the bondage and puts a great show... maybe too great. most of the session she is at the brink of tears. but things get really hardcore in the final minutes of the punishment.... she starts to scream mas (more, in spanish); her actual safeword was cerca (near, in english). due to the confusion of the word she was saying (as if she were claiming for being able to take it more time), it took me a brief moment to realize she had forgotten the safeword, and was actually calling for halting the session. that brief moment took the intensity of the punishment to whole different level, and you can definitively see it reflected on the way she was suffering there locked in the stocks. once i noticed everything what was going on, i stopped the fan and put down the fire. she then regained her calm, and finally managed to catch a breath... --- to further let our viewers immerse in the atmosphere of this session that day, i've decided not no cut many of the preparation scenes where i instruct bella that she needs to put a good show if she wants me to help her by blocking the fan from time to time. the moment when i tell her the safeword is also included in the video. this video is full of subtitles during these first few minutes, for your entire appreciation! 30 minutes long video. fullhd 1920x1080 video resolution. 960 mib file size. mp4 format. (enjoy this intense session, it might be a long while before we make another such intense video! remember not to share or exchange our videos; the continuous sell of our clips will help us in keeping producing quality content.) *plot twist: this session was shot on the very same day that the first no safe words video. bel

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