AV1695 - BROOKLYN MAE vs KAT BLACK. This match marks the return to our mats of kat black, after a long absence. as soon as she appeared on camera to share with you her expectations for this match, you’ll immediately notice that she looks very different and much sexier than before! the short blonde hair that she now uses fits her like a glove! you’ll also quickly notice that she looked very confident, trusting that her previous experience would prove decisive against an opponent who was going to debut in our demanding matches. brooklyn mae appeared next, and the first thing that you’ll see is that she has an amazing body, from which we highlight her mighty legs and her outstanding butt. believe us: it’s very hard to take the eyes out of this amazing work of art! brooklyn recognized that she is new to this game, but she said that she has been practicing a lot, and so she was confident that her strong legs would allow her to crush kat. she also shared that she has some background in 2 combats sports: ju-jitsu and kickboxing. their pre-match presentations were followed by an intense staredown, on which you’ll get to see that kat is taller, but brooklyn is undeniably heavier and stronger. both women proved to be super competitive, so this match was intense and filled not only with great wrestling holds but also with heaps of hard slapping to their tits and asses. as you know, kat wrestled for us before, so you can compare her previous performances with this one. you’ll certainly be amazed to see how much she evolved since the last match she did for us. she looks a completely different person on the mats, in all aspects. wow! you’ll also certainly love to see that brooklyn, despite being a rookie, is tough as nails. she’s not easy to break, and she also had her moments of glory, on which she mercilessly chastised kat black. this is a super competitive match, whose decisive submission was obtained around 2 minutes before the time was up. the forfeit is as hot as it gets, and you’ll see that both women were clearly turned on by each other’s amazing bodies and undeniable sexiness. it’s amazing to see how hard they went at each other during the match and then, shortly after, they were able to put all that behind their backs, and switches to a completely different mood! without revealing too much, we can tell you that this was a hell of forfeit, that will certainly turn you on, and that ends with a great victory pose. all in all, this is excellent++ match that will tick all boxes of the true connoisseurs of competitive female wrestling, followed by hot punishment rounds! download it now!   if you like this video, you'll probably also like: av1562 - amber red vs jocelyn

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