The arrest of mistress Meelina - Part 1. A bad police man stops the mistress meelina at the airport. she is immediatly handcuffed behind her back for her clothes. then after going in another room the polcie man opens meelina lagguage finding a lot of devices and police man handcuff meelina to the roof after removing her clothes and after a deep searching on meelina meelina is barefoot and naked handcuffed with hands in high poistion chained to the roof.meelina cannot move or escape and police man starts to use mistress deivces and toys on her.for a lot of time police man will use a vibrator on meelina ussing also a spread bar for having her legs in open position.meelina will be masturbated by police the end meelina is handcuffed again with hands behind her back for going in another room for standard jail booking procedures.

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