TSA Holding: Cali is strip searched and pees herself waiting on airport security supervisor (hd). Cali has no idea why tsa has just thrown her into the holding room. they offer her no answers, but she really needs to pee! they won’t even let her pee…wtf! and then just leave her in this room with no information, no bags, and no where to pee!    she starts to pace hoping this makes the time go faster, stops her from having to pee…anything really. this is insane, she calls out for anyone that might be around and is left with nothing. just as she thinks things couldn’t get much worse…someone comes in to tell her she needs to be stripped searched because they think she is hiding weapons.    no help in going to the bathroom, she begins to take her shoes and sweatshirt off…see, nothing! cali is getting more and more frustrated as she removes her jeans to show she has nothing but a really full bladder! down to her bra and panties, she tries to assure them there is nothing there, but tsa isn’t letting her stop there…remove everything.    cali is completely naked and this whole sick joke needs to end or there is going to be an accident. as she continues to argue her point, it happens…she pees all over the floor, herself, everything. cali is completely embarrassed and wants answers. the only answer is…you’re free to go, after you clean up this mess.    you want me to clean up this mess?!?   this clip runs 11 minutes long and includes enf, pee fetish, humiliation, bra and panty, nudity. the 1080hd format can be found in cali logans embarrassed babes under the embarrassed naked female category.    *** this story was a custom commissioned project. create your own fantasy by filling out the submission form on my caliscustoms website***   for more clips like this, click the clip titles below:   conference room conundrum with cali   graduation panty pranks with sahrye   accidental jeans wetting   *** this story was a custom commissioned project. create your own fantasy by filling out the submission form on my caliscustoms website***   for more clips like this, click the clip titles below:   conference room conundrum with cali   graduation panty pranks with sahrye   accidental jeans wetting

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