Punishment for Snooping 4K. ***re-released and upscaled to 4k*** macy nikole is sitting at her laptop ready to push through her emails. she just has to focus and it will get done. macy comes up to an email that she knows for sure she didn't read... or that one. someone has been messing with her emails. oh but she spots you and she sees you hiding and giggling in the corner. are you the one behind this? did you have something to do with going through macy's email. well for being such an annoying little step-stepbrother it's going to happen again. macy is going to make you a tiny little nothing. she doesn't care that you aren't ready. she is tired of you going through her business. you are the equivalent to a piece of dirt. a tiny littl epiece of nothing. if she wanted to she could put you in between her fingers and just squish you. she told you to stay out before she thought you would have learned your lesson. what are all the girls in class going to think about you being the size of a piece of rice. macy's thumb nail is bigger then you. there are a lot of scenarios that can have you crushed.  macy knows that she must pull everything out to get you to understand that privacy should be respected and not gone through. you are just so small she could just go in her mouth and be crunched around. she then could feel you slide down her throat. she knows you wouldn't survive her chomp. you tell her you get it but she just doesn't think get it yet. the stepparents will never know. but you could avoid all this by being good and keeping your hands to yourself. macy wants to know if you two have an understanding because this time it is just a warning. next time she will be squishing you. you better be on your best behavior because will be the last time she brings you up to size. scram.   for more clips like this, check these out:   new perspective on macy nikole giving it a try giant office swallow    

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