Moscow multitrampling contest #33 (Part 1): trampling after stop signal & terrorising slaves & severe jumping & ff trampling. Russia, moscow - 7 mistresses vs 1 female slave and 3 male slaves (part 1) 22.01.2022 - sadistic girl had some wine before the contest, so she will trample the slaves with a lot of fun and pleasure. she and other girls will terrorize slaves trampling them even after stop signal! girls weigh-in before trampling. their total weight is 451 kg (994 lb).  the stages included in the 1st part: 1) barefoot warm-up treading. sadistic girl likes hurting men - she continues trampling slaves even after they scream or knock on the floor. 2) severe jumping; 3) double trampling - turning around; 4) triple torso & face sitting - female slave is unhappy under girls' butts squeezing her tits. long-suffering guy's face is getting extremely red, he is screaming in pain, but girls will have been sitting on him until the song is over. 5) weight shifting stomach - face . old slave is bullied by sadistic girl - she tramples him paying no attention to his agony and his knocking on the floor. then, she does the same with other guy. 6) 7 girls two-level sitting.   

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