Bianca vs Kiniku - Topless and Competitive!. Bianca and kiniku are friends but also rivals. we found out they have a love/hate relationship so we commissioned this match between the 2 of them. this is a competitive topless battle, shot on location in barcelona, spain. bianca has taken the session world by storm and she has become one of the most sought after video performers as well. it's easy to see why, she is beautiful, sexy, always in tremendous condition and gives 100% effort all the time. what many don't know, is she is incredibly strong for her size, (stronger than most men) is aggressive, has fierce determination, is cunning, and knows a wide variety of wrestling styles, holds and counters. indeed, if you're going to face bianca on the mat, you better bring your a game, or it will be a long match for you. when bianca traps you in a hold, she can be downright vicious, pouring on the pressure and going for the tap immediately. we've all heard comparisons of a scissorhold, to that of being squeezed by a python, but in bianca's case it's true. it's uncanny the pressure this 135 lbs. woman can bring to bear, and very unfortunate for kiniku. kiniku is also very strong and traps bianca a couple of times, but bianca will not give in and eventually tires kiniku and turns the tables on her. to be fair to kiniku, this was videotaped after she handed zac his ass, so she may have been a little winded. that said, it's an entertaining match, and kiniku gives her best account. bianca vs. kiniku is 12.5 minutes, enjoy!

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