QUEEN OF THE RING 1076 pt 1 wmv HD. It appears we have a problem. both stacy burke and hollywood feel that they are the queen of the ring. both of these ladies appear ringside dressed in their appropriate attire as the queen. a heated discussion transpires as to whom will the the one and only queen moving forward. there is no better way than to settle the argument with a good old fashioned pro battle!!! the ladies shed their queen costumes down to their pro wrestling suits and it is on! this is a tortuous action packed match as both of the beautiful women are intent on walking away with the title. every aspect of the ring is used as wrist locks, strikes, and *** are applied with expertise. the ring is filled with shrieks of pain, and laughter overflowing with pleasure (depending on which side of the hold you are on!!!) as these gorgeous grapplers practice their trade of pain and glory! on several occasions the match almost ends as a sleepy hold is secured, but the potential victim manages an escape. ultimately, their can be only one queen of the ring so get this video and find out whom it is!!!

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