Cuddly Camilla s Marvellous Masturbations. Everyone loves to masturbate, but does everyone have a qualified videographer (husband) to catch ones intimate feelings, passions, and sometimes insecurities? he wants to share with others the immense pleasure he gets out of watching me masturbate. natural, plump, hairy mature. he believes in me being natural, there is no airbrushing, photoshop, or heavy makeup. i have also had my fair share of medical operations, and some people call me bionic women. orgasm noises. i tend to be vocal when i climax but unlike the porn movies they are natural, usually low grunts, sighs, and sometimes words. the clitoris is king. i have been experimenting with tantric sex/massage where the journey (sometimes 2 - 3 hours) is everything and the climax is secondary if you have one. i am not that person, i want that orgasm as fast as possible and relish the euphoria and tension release afterwards. i use my left hand to get that frantic circular rhythm and i aim for that intense electric climax you can only get from the clitoris. the next climax i can bring in the g spot or a blended one but i usually use one of my vibrators. (what a great invention!) messy masturbation. i am a squirter and often make a mess, i have ruined my mattress long ago so i usually put down a small waterproof (actually a babe's changing mat) my husband sometimes collects the ejaculate. cuddly camilla's marvellous masturbations. there are five masturbation episodes - enjoy me as if you are there, there are closeups of my face (perhaps too close), of my hairy pubes, pussy, jiggling flesh, and my thighs tensioning. my husband usually puts in an appropriate music backing track to tie the climaxes together. in this case he found a piece called feminine orgasm with some sexy sighs subtly mixed in with the musical notes.  

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